Saturday, December 18, 2021

Christmas 2021 at the Market


This was my last time selling at PSM.  I don't know when or if I'll be back.  Several problematic issues have been on going, but the most immediate is mismanagement, specifically the failure to offer storage back after sabbatical as stated in documentation.  Without storage I cannot sell.  

I will not say more at the moment.  Persons still spreading unfounded rumors or  personal information without consent are cautioned against doing so, especially if they are in positions of responsibility. 

Cad atá oraibh? Ná bí amaideach...   

Customers can find my at recent shows listed.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Recent lamps


More recent than this blog, anyway.  

The white wolves always sell out.  As do most of the snow dragons. Gothic Dragons however depend on the crowd.  Lots of complements, but not all find a home, faraor.